Overseas Wedding Photography. Pre Wedding Photography Francis’s photography is all about creating a timeless image which you can treasure for a lifetime. His distinctive style is founded throug
O結婚 / 海外婚禮Overseas Wedding Photography. Overseas Pre Wedding

For enquiry, please feel free to contact Ms.Van Wai at 2384 3531. Book Name: 書名: Dealing with Delinquent Students 教育問題學生的秘笈 Price: 定價: HK$ 80.00 Order Form 訂購表格: Download the order form (PDF Format)
買賣及批發 / 書籍及光碟協青社(Youth Outreach)

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美麗源於心境開朗,遠離壓力 經常接job替機構做training,忽然希望嘗試做公開課程,希望用微小的力量,將正面思考的技巧普及,令人人也可以應用心理學的小技巧解決困難,我會努力發展「薄利多銷」的心理學課程! 心理學課程:NLP逆境反勝法 NLP全名:Neuro-Linguistic Programming(身心語言程式學),是結合了心理學、腦神經學、催眠學、語言學和心理治療學而發展出來的實用方
美容 / 教學進修心靈工作坊-心理學教室

Wedding Package Imagine sparkling white marble, sensual coral pinks, calm blues, grand burgundy reds and through gracious windows, velvet greens. Imagine Parkview's exclusive setting to capture your
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Professional Freelance Programmer 專業自由程式員 本人為 Hong Kong Freelance programmer , 多年Freelancer 經驗, 具責任心. 多年貴公司建立了一個設計良好的網站 , 能在不同渠道開拓業務 , 有沒有想過能與參觀貴公司網站的潛在客戶有互動 , 取得他們資料 並作出市場分析 , 建立一個客戶關系和產品服務管理系統 , 把營
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Company Mission ServiceTech (Hong Kong) Limited specializes in planning, developing and implementing Management Solutions. We offer BMC Business Service Management (BSM) product suite as a core, and

HKDR BACKGROUND AND HISTORY HKDR was set up in 2002, registered as a Society in August 2003 and in March 2005 gained full charity status. It is run by founder, Sally Andersen, with the support of man
H寵物 / 會社、組織及團體Hong Kong Dog Rescue

China Pingyao International Photography Festival is the oldest and largest photography exhibition in China. Organizers: China Photographers Association, China Art Photographic Association, Red Cross

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